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Brain fun facts



We thought that you might be a little bit bored at home (if you're self-quarantined), so we prepared for you some fun brain facts:


☑️A girl named Christina Santhouse had half of her brain removed at age 8, grew up to earn a Master's degree and become a speech pathologist.


☑️When you blackout from drinking, it's because of the effects that alcohol has on the hippocampus. You don't forget anything. Your brain doesn't record new memories.


☑️When you are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain will be similar to physical pain.


☑️When you stop smoking weed, you're going to experience a huge increase in your dreams and their vividness due to your brain trying to catch up on all the missed REM sleep for the next 2-7 weeks.


☑️Our brain perceives people who annoy us as moving slower than they actually are.


☑️Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant who speaks 10 languages and has the rare capability to explain how his brain works. He says numbers have shape, color, and texture. According to him, 289 is ugly, 333 attractive, and pi is beautiful.


☑️Alzheimer's disease is considered by some scientists to be Type 3 diabetes because it results from resistance to insulin in the brain.


We hope you enjoyed our brain facts!


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